Why Does My Dog Lick Everything? [Normal vs. Problematic Behavior] (2024)

Dogs are excellent companions who provide their owners with affection and lasting memories. Every dog has a unique personality that makes it stand out from other pets. One thing many canine owners have thought about is, “why does my dog lick everything?”

Dogs are not capable of human speech, but they still find ways to communicate how they feel. Your dog will use body language to let you know when it is hungry, needs to use the restroom, or is seeking your attention. Sometimes their licking indicates something that they can’t communicate with words.

If you ever wondered about licking behavior, then you have come to the right place. Read on further to understand why dogs lick everything, how often it should occur, when to become concerned about it, and more!

Is It Common for My Dog to Lick Things?

Yes, it is common for canines, regardless of dog breed, size, and age, to lick things. Licking is normal behavior in dogs that can be traced back to their canine ancestors.

The dog’s tongue is an important muscle that helps it drink water, eat, and regulate body heat. Although a dog’s tongue contains fewer taste buds than a person’s tongue, they still use it to taste things. Dogs will rely on their strong sense of smell over licking things, but they still rely on all of their senses to get a feel about the world around them.

A dog licks things every day, and it usually is not a problem. Once you read further about the common reasons why they lick everything, you will realize it should not be a cause for panic.

Why Does My Dog Lick Everything? [Normal vs. Problematic Behavior] (1)

Why Does My Dog Lick Everything?

Dogs begin licking everything from the moment they are born and well into their late stages of life. While you rest on your couch and observe your dog, you might notice it lick itself first before other different items around the house.

Here are a few reasons why dogs lick each thing they might encounter:

  • Ease Behaviors
  • Explore Tastes
  • Express Affection
  • Communicate Wants and Needs

If you are bringing a puppy or rescued dog home, make sure your home is dog-proof. Although it is normal for them to lick things, there are certain things a dog should not ingest.

Things Dogs Should Avoid Licking

Some human food is safe for dogs to consume, but that does not mean you should leave all kinds of food lying around. Your dog may try to lick it and could end up getting sick.

Canines should never excessively lick or eat chocolate, onions, chives, garlic, some fruits and vegetables, dairy, and other foods. Eating these foods can lead to unwanted side effects such as nausea, upset stomach, and diarrhea.

If you have any important electrical equipment, keep it somewhere your dog cannot reach so they won’t end up tempted to lick or chew on cables. Some popular house plants are considered mildly toxic to pets, including dogs.

The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals has a list of toxic plants for dogs and a contact number for their Animal Poison Control Center. It is okay for dogs to want to lick anything they see, but if you believe your dog licked something harmful, contact your local animal hospital for further veterinary assistance.

Common Reasons for Dog Licking

Dog licking is common behavior in all dogs for different reasons. Most of the time, it is not something dog owners should worry about. Here are some common reasons why dogs may lick everything:

  • Soothe Skin: Dogs may lick their skin to help soothe itchy dog skin or irritations. Different types of infection can cause symptoms that make a dog’s skin feel uncomfortable. Dog licks provide comfort to those affected areas.
  • Alleviate Boredom: Puppies love playtime, and sometimes they can start licking things to help keep themselves busy. This type of behavior can continue as dogs mature. Save your dog from boredom by providing with chew toys.
  • Self-grooming: Dogs do not have brush-like tongues like cats, but they still use their tongues to groom themselves. They lick their coats to help spread healthy skin oils and remove any dirt or debris.
  • Attention-seeking: Dogs can bark if they want your attention, but they can also seek your attention by licking your feet or shoes.

Why Does My Dog Lick Everything? [Normal vs. Problematic Behavior] (2)

  • Ease Anxiety: Certain loud noises and other factors can make your dog feel nervous. They can attempt to calm themselves by licking things. They might have a favorite toy that they chew or lick to feel tranquil.
  • Medical Conditions: When your dog feels nauseous, it might lick things to remove any bad tastes from its mouth. If your dog has issues within its mouth, it may lick things to try to ease the pain.
  • Express Love: Dogs lick their owners to communicate their affection for them. Dogs and other canine species lick the alpha of the pack as a sign of acknowledgment and gratitude.
  • Feeding Time: One of the signs that your dog is hungry is when it begins to lick, bark, or bite its bag of food. You can tell your dog enjoyed its food if you see it lick its bowl clean after it finishes its food.
  • Exploring Surroundings: What do all dogs do when they are curious about something? They rely on their senses such as sight, smell, sound, and even taste. Dogs lick their owners after brisk walks because they like the taste of salt from sweat.
  • Treat Wounds: Wounds can be painful for dogs. They lick their wounds instinctively and try to ease the discomfort from the wound. Dog saliva does contain antibacterial properties, but it is best if you apply first aid treatment to your dog or seek further assistance from a veterinarian.

Always be cautious of what your dog is licking. While it is normal behavior for dogs to lick things, there are times when sometimes they are licking everything too often. Address wounds and infections with a vet.

How Do I Get My Dog To Stop Licking Everything?

There are several tricks and tips to help your dog lick things less. There are several ways to address some of the common reasons why they try to lick everything. Some of these methods can be completed at home and involve remedies people can easily obtain from their pantry or local grocery store.

  • Cooking Oils: If your pup licks itself too much due to itchy or dry skin, common household ingredients like coconut oil and olive oil can help soothe irritated skin. You can apply this homemade topical weekly until you see your dog’s irritated skin get better. You can also add a few drops to your dog’s food or water to give them a boost in nutrients.
  • Lemon Juice: Some lemon wedges left in warm water for a few hours can help soothe irritation on your dog’s coat. This will promote a healthy coat while encouraging your dog to lick the healing area less.
  • Play Dress Up: All dogs look amazing wearing outfits, regardless of their size or breed. If your dog cannot stop licking its body, get an old shirt for it to wear. Pet stores carry dog-friendly clothing too!
  • Increased Stimulation: If your dog or puppy is licking things out of boredom, then provide it with some amusem*nt by getting it some toys. You can play fetch with your pet or take it on a walk to help meet its daily exercise needs. You can also invest in puzzles for dogs to help keep them mentally stimulated.
  • Training: Excessive licking can be prevented by taking the time to train your dog. If they lick something, a simple command such as “stop” should be sufficient to get your pup to stop. Use positive reinforcement training methods to get your dog to obey your commands.
  • Vet Visits: If your pup licks itself excessively to help ease discomfort, it might best seek further diagnosis from a veterinarian. The veterinarian can also check for any skin conditions or neurological concerns.

Why Does My Dog Lick Everything? [Normal vs. Problematic Behavior] (3)

CBD Products

CBD-infused products for dogs are rising in popularity in the pet community. CBD is a naturally occurring compound from hemp plants that provides a list of benefits.

One of the great things about our CBD dog treats and other CBD products, is that they are federally legal, thanks to the 2018 Farm Bill. A guideline from the bill requires CBD products to contain less than 0.3% of THC. This means CBD products for dogs are non-intoxicating and non-toxic as well.

CBD works by supporting a dog’s endocannabinoid system to provide the following positive effects:

  • Ease Nervousness
  • Promote Calmness
  • Promote Natural Digestion and Sleep
  • Soothe Physical Discomfort
  • Nourish Skin

If your dog is licking anything in sight out of anxiety or because it is experiencing physical discomfort, premium quality CBD for dogs can help alleviate those concerns. Add the appropriate dosage amount to your dog’s treats, food, or water. Some people also massage CBD oil in the area of discomfort.

When looking for CBD products, HolistaPet is one of the top brands. CBD products from HolistaPet are all-natural and made without any harmful byproducts.

When Should I Be Concerned About a Dog Licking Everything?

Excessive licking may cause concern if there is some pain or a behavioral issue causing it. Whatever the cause is, it is recommended to seek medical advice from a vet. After running a few tests to determine the root cause, the vet might prescribe treatment to treat the underlying issue and help alleviate the problem.

Here are brief examples of when a pet owner should be concerned about their dog licking everything:

  • Bleeding: Your dog will lick a wound on instinct but licking the wounds too much should be prevented, or it might make it worse. Licking the wound too much can slow down the healing and cause infection or irritate the skin. Have a vet treat the wound and place an Elizabethan collar on your pup to prevent them from licking the wound again.
  • Infections: If your pooch cannot stop licking or biting at its paws, it might be due to a yeast infection. It is best to wrap on a medical bandage to keep it from licking that area further.

Final Thoughts – Why Does My Dog Lick Everything?

Dogs are the perfect companions for families. They help guard us and provide an endless amount of love. They can’t communicate with words, so pet owners need to be well-informed about what behavior is normal and what could be cause for concern.

Sometimes dogs may lick everything, which is normal behavior, but it is important to know when it can be signaling a problem. One of the best ways to keep your dog active and happy is through CBD Products from HolistaPet!

Why Does My Dog Lick Everything? [Normal vs. Problematic Behavior] (2024)


Why Does My Dog Lick Everything? [Normal vs. Problematic Behavior]? ›

While some dogs lick things out of boredom, for other dogs, licking can be compulsive, providing a calming and soothing sensation. When licking is a self-stimulating activity, it could also be a sign of anxiousness or discomfort. Other dogs can lick to the point of causing secondary problems.

Why does my dog obsessively lick everything? ›

A dog's excessive licking of surfaces is most likely a result of a medical condition leading to nausea or gastrointestinal distress. It may occasionally be a result of anxiety or conflict leading to displacement behaviors and eventually an actual compulsive disorder.

How do I stop my dog from compulsive licking? ›

Treatment for Your Dog's Compulsive Scratching, Licking, and Chewing
  1. Eliminating parasites. There are a variety of flea and tick products that your veterinarian can recommend. ...
  2. Changing foods. ...
  3. Using medication. ...
  4. Preventing the behavior. ...
  5. Addressing anxiety or boredom.
Nov 8, 2022

What is dog lick syndrome? ›

A lick granuloma, also known as acral lick dermatitis, occurs when a dog obsessively licks at an area, often on a lower limb, most commonly the wrist or carpal joint of the front limb. These dogs find a spot to lick and start a cycle of self-trauma, inflammation, and infection.

Does my dog have a licking disorder? ›

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

These dogs seem compelled to lick and find it difficult to stop. Compulsive lickers may spend hours licking themselves or objects, floors or furniture. Often these are dogs with other underlying behavioral issues, such as anxiety or over-reactiveness.

Why does my dog lick the couch all the time? ›

Repetitive licking releases endorphins and is a way for dogs to self-soothe. In many cases, licking the sofa is an occasional response to occasional stress, loneliness, or boredom. However, it can become a habit if not checked.

Why does my dog constantly lick the floor and carpet? ›

Sometimes when dogs are feeling anxious, depressed, or stressed they can act out in terms of licking. Boredom, too, can be a reason that your dog has taken to licking the carpet. Other factors for constant floor licking could be canine dementia, physical discomfort, or neurological problems.

What breed of dog licks people a lot? ›

Labradors, Golden Retrievers, Pit Bulls and Poodles all tend to be frequent lickers. As for smaller breeds, the Bichon Frise, the Pug and the Chihuahua are also prone to people-licking.

Should I let my dog lick me so much? ›

However, experts say one should not let their pets lick the areas around nose, mouth and eyes to minimise risk of infections. So, the verdict is - let your pet lick you but only after washing your face and hands, and not around nose or mouth. dog.

Is dog licking anxiety? ›

Dogs can experience psychological disorders which can lead to compulsive behaviors such as excessive licking. Stress, anxiety, separation and boredom can all lead to excessive licking.

Why does my dog keep licking everything and gagging? ›

Some of the more common causes include a blockage of the digestive tract, a dietary indiscretion (eating non-food items), a diet change or sensitivity, inflammation, an infection, parasites, pancreatitis, toxicities, or diseases of other body systems.

Why is my dog licking the floor all of a sudden? ›

A: Research in dogs shows that stomach and intestinal problems can trigger excessive licking of surfaces, known as ELS, including floors, carpeting, walls, doors and furniture.

How do I know if my dog is stress licking? ›

In order to differentiate stress signs from normal behavior, you must be familiar with your dog's regular demeanor. Then you can tell if he is licking his lips because he is anxious or because he wants a treat. When relaxed, he will have semi-erect or forward-facing ears, a soft mouth, and round eyes.

When should I be concerned about my dog licking? ›

But sometimes licking is a symptom of a more serious problem. If your dog is licking themselves, you, or objects excessively, to the point that it seems like a self-stimulatory behavior, this might be a sign of anxiety, boredom, or pain. Obsessive self-licking can also be a sign of allergies or other health problems.

What are the signs of anxiety in dogs? ›

Common signs of anxiety in dogs include:

Barking or howling when owner isn't home. Panting and pacing (even when it's not hot) Shivering. Running away and/or cowering in the corner of a house.

Why does my dog lick everything at night? ›

If your dog's excessive licking gets intense at night, it could be because of their recent dinner. Their food might be causing an upset stomach. Or, it may be many hours after they have eaten, if the licking is caused by hunger.

Why is my dog licking everywhere he sits? ›

Excessive licking can be a sign of a behavioral issue or anxiety problem as well. Some dogs will over groom themselves out of boredom. Initially, it starts out as a normal grooming behavior, but then it becomes a habit that the dog performs when there is no other stimulation.

Why does my dog lick the blankets so much? ›

Dogs licking blankets and furniture may be an indication of boredom, stress, separation anxiety, diet deficiencies, and more. If you're concerned about your dog's blanket licking behavior, make sure to monitor it closely and consult your veterinarian.

What is ELS behavior in dogs? ›

Excessive licking of surfaces (ELS) refers to licking of objects and surfaces in excess of duration, frequency, or intensity as compared with that required for exploration.

Why do dogs lick upholstery? ›

Dogs that lick couches all the time do it due to various reasons such as behavioral or medical issues. It could also be due to tasty spills on the cushions, or there are smells from your own body on there. Bored dogs often lick and chew items around the house because they are looking for stimulation.

Is dog licking a dominant behavior? ›

Adult dogs lick as a sign of deference or submissiveness to a dominant pack member. The dog doing the licking usually lowers its body to make itself smaller, and looks up, adding to the effect of subordinate behavior.

Is a dog licking a form of dominance? ›

Yes, Licking Is A Sign Of Dominance

Dogs can attempt to show dominance towards a dog or human by aggressively licking them. This is a determined, deliberate act, and is uninvited or inappropriate for the situation. This type of dog licking indicate an assertion of dominance and control.

Which dogs lick less? ›

Similarly, some breeds tend to kiss less than others. Khuly said that Arctic breeds, like Huskies, Malamutes, Samoyeds and American Eskimos, don't lick much by nature (though they can learn the behavior).

How much is too much licking for a dog? ›

How Much Licking Is Too Much? Licking is normal behavior for a dog to groom itself, express affection, and taste objects, and some casual licking can be comforting and soothing to the animal. Too much licking, however, is when the dog never stops, even when prompted or distracted.

Should you let your dog sleep with you? ›

Studies have shown many physical and mental health advantages to owning a pet, and co-sleeping increases the amount of time spent with that pet, potentially increasing those benefits. For example, co-sleeping can increase the feelings of comfort and companionship your dog provides.

What does it mean when your dog stares at you? ›

Just as humans stare into the eyes of someone they adore, dogs will stare at their owners to express affection. In fact, mutual staring between humans and dogs releases oxytocin, known as the love hormone. This chemical plays an important role in bonding and boosts feelings of love and trust.

Is licking mentally stimulating for dogs? ›

Since it takes a bit longer to eat all the treats, a lick mat can serve as entertainment for a bored or anxious dog. "The repetitive action of licking is shown to release endorphins in the brain that in turn cause a calming effect [in cats and dogs]," Hodgson says.

Do dogs lick you when annoyed? ›

"Dogs have evolved alongside humans and appear to have the unbelievable ability to interpret and respond to human emotion," Sypniewski says. If you appear to be upset, your dog may mirror this feeling, and respond by licking you, says Melissa Bain, DVM, a professor of clinical animal behavior at UC Davis.

Is licking a submissive behavior in dogs? ›

One of the main reasons a dog will lick a person's feet is to indicate their submissiveness to their master. More importantly it indicates their happiness in this role. By displaying this act of domesticity and submission, the dog may ensure its place in the family by accepting the social order of the home.

Why does my dog keep licking and smacking? ›

The most common reason for lip smacking in your dog is stress. For some reason, lip smacking is a calming behavior for dogs; and you will often see this behavior when you are scolding the dog or if they are experiencing something that frightens them, like a thunderstorm or loud noise.

Why is my dog licking weird things? ›

Anxiety. If your dog is anxious or afraid, they may engage in obsessive licking as a way to self-soothe or to distract themselves from the source of their anxiety. Typically, an anxious dog will focus their licking on themselves or on an inanimate object.

What's wrong with my dog if he keeps licking his lips and swallowing? ›

Licking lips and swallowing is as completely normal in dogs as it is in humans! Some dogs will lick their lips to hydrate them when they feel dry, others may lick their lips when they have something stuck there like a blade of grass or a piece of rogue food from dinnertime.

How does a dog act when they have diabetes? ›

The early signs of diabetes in dogs include:

Frequent urination (polyuria) Drinking more water than usual. Excessive appetite (polyphagia) Sudden unexplained weight loss.

Why is my dog suddenly licking everything and eating grass? ›

Tummy Trouble

Eating grass is a way for dogs to clear their system. Dogs instinctively know that eating grass will settle a GI upset. The tale-tale sign of an upset digestive system is when your dog keeps licking lips and swallowing and eating grass or your dog eating grass frantically and panting.

Can dogs have pica eating disorder? ›

What Is Pica In Dogs? Pica is a common condition where a dog consistently eats objects that are not food items. A dog needs to ingest the item—not just chew on it—for it to be considered pica. Metal, plastic, cloth, garbage, rocks, paper, dirt, and feces are common non-nutritional items that dogs with pica ingest.

How do you tell if a dog is traumatized? ›

Symptoms of PTSD in dogs can include: panic, panting, fearfulness, being timid and clinging to their owners, aggressive reactions in dogs that were never aggressive before, depression, and hyper-vigilance (especially for working dogs and guard breeds).

How do you know if your dog is overstimulated? ›

Symptoms of Sensory Overload in Dogs
  1. Enlarged pupils.
  2. Rapid heartbeat.
  3. Panting.
  4. Hypervigilance.
  5. Hiding behind objects of people.
  6. Biting or nipping.
  7. Vocalizations.
  8. Lip licking.

What does depression look like in dogs? ›

Depressed dogs may show symptoms such as a lack of interest in activities, loss of appetite, increased irritability, and unusually clingy or needy behavior. You can help improve your dog's mood by giving them plenty of exercise, playtime, and mental stimulation.

Why is my dog licking everything today? ›

There are many reasons dogs enjoy licking you—or everything else around them. While some dogs lick things out of boredom, for other dogs, licking can be compulsive, providing a calming and soothing sensation. When licking is a self-stimulating activity, it could also be a sign of anxiousness or discomfort.

What are 7 signs that an animal is in pain? ›

7 Signs Your Pet is in Pain
  • #1: Decreased activity. ...
  • #2: Reluctance to use stairs. ...
  • #3: Difficulty standing after lying down. ...
  • #4: Reluctance to jump. ...
  • #5: Decreased appetite. ...
  • #6: Over-grooming or licking a particular area. ...
  • #7: Decreased socialization with the family.
Sep 15, 2020

How do you know if your dog needs his glands expressed? ›

Be on the lookout for the following signs: Your dog is scooting on the carpet. Your dog is licking his bottom a lot. If your dog's glands are really full, they may leak out a stinky, pungent smell.

What triggers dog's anxiety? ›

An illness or painful condition can increase dog anxiety. A history of limited social contact, neglect, and confinement may cause both fear based and separation anxiety. This can also occur in dogs that have spent time in a shelter. Some dogs will experience General Anxiety, and some breeds are more prone than others.

How do I know if my dog has depression? ›

The symptoms of depression in dogs are similar to those experienced by people. Common symptoms include low activity levels, a loss in interest in the things they once enjoyed, and a change in eating and/or sleeping habits. Some dogs may also show signs of aggression, including uncharacteristic howling or whining.

What is a high anxiety dog? ›

Dogs can have a pathological anxiety response to any stimulus with which they have had a very significant negative past experience. Again, the dog's behavior may range from a violent, panicked attempt to escape, to constant panting and pacing, or severe trembling and shutting down.

What are the side effects of dog licks? ›

Some bacteria in dogs' mouths are zoonotic, meaning the animals can pass them to humans and cause disease. Some common zoonotic bacteria include clostridium, E. coli, salmonella and campylobacter, which can cause severe gastrointestinal disease in humans, said Dr.

How do you treat lick dermatitis in dogs? ›

Bitter-tasting topical solutions are sometimes applied to discourage licking. Most treatments that are applied to the lesion are aimed at altering the sensation in the skin. Agents used include corticosteroids, dimethyl sulfoxide DMSO), capsaicin, antiinflammatory drugs, and antihistamines.

Why do dogs lick your wounds? ›

It is an instinct. When your dog licks a wound, there are healing capacities in their saliva and it can also help cleanse the area. They are natural healers when it comes to grooming and cleaning. It is a part of how they are wired.

What are the symptoms of Capnocytophaga? ›

People who are infected with Capnocytophaga can have a range of signs and symptoms such as:
  • Blisters around the bite wound within hours of the bite.
  • Redness, swelling, draining pus, or pain at the bite wound.
  • Fever.
  • Diarrhea and/or stomach pain.
  • Vomiting.
  • Headache and/or confusion.
  • Muscle or joint pain.
Oct 16, 2018

Why does my dog stare at me? ›

Just as humans stare into the eyes of someone they adore, dogs will stare at their owners to express affection. In fact, mutual staring between humans and dogs releases oxytocin, known as the love hormone. This chemical plays an important role in bonding and boosts feelings of love and trust.

What does lick granuloma look like? ›

A typical lick granuloma consists of a bare, hairless patch on the foreleg, often near the foot. Less commonly, a lick granuloma may develop on a rear leg or at the base of the tail. The affected area may appear red, inflamed, swollen, shiny, or bloody.

What is granuloma in dogs? ›

A lick granuloma, also known as acral lick dermatitis, is a skin disorder that affects dogs. It is characterized by the formation of a localized red, inflamed skin lesion on one or more areas of the body that results from excessive licking.

What triggers dog dermatitis? ›

The main causes of dermatitis in dogs are: Parasites: Fleas, mites, ticks. Infections: Bacterial or fungal. Allergies: Environmental (such as pollen, grass, dust mites) or food.

Is letting a dog lick a wound good? ›

Licking might offer some protection against certain bacteria, but there are serious drawbacks to letting your dog lick wounds. Excessive licking can lead to irritation, paving the way for hot spots, infections, and potential self-mutilation. Licking and chewing can also slow healing by reopening wounds.

Does my dog really love me? ›

Dogs really do love us unconditionally. Your dog follows you everywhere. If you feel like you can not take a step in the house without your dog at your heels, consider yourself loved. Dogs cling to you for more than just security.

Why does my dog follow me everywhere? ›

If your dog follows you everywhere then it's most likely a sign that they love and adore you. When dogs interact with someone they like, the hormone oxytocin is released. Oxytocin is often referred to as the 'love hormone' and makes you feel that warm glow when you're around someone you like.


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Name: Trent Wehner

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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.