Why Does My Breastmilk Look Watery? (+When To Be Concerned) (2024)

Are you concerned because your breastmilk looks watery? In this article Medical Doctor explains if this is if thin and watery breastmilk means lower quality and less nutrients for your baby!

Why Does My Breastmilk Look Watery? (+When To Be Concerned) (1)

Article By Edna Skopljak – Medical Doctor (MD)

Breastfeeding is the most valuable gift you can give to your baby. However, it can sometimes be stressful and cause concerns for (especially newborn’s) moms.

Breast milk’s nutritional content changes and adapts to your baby’s needs. Sometimes, when breastfeeding moms notice more watery milk, which is thinner than usual – they get worried. Some moms, unfortunately, for that reason, stop breastfeeding.

But – there is nothing to worry about! It is perfectly normal and expected to experience watery milk sometimes.

Watery breast milk may make you wonder whether your breast milk has enough milk and contains enough fat and calories.

Breast milk volume and look are not merely indicators that your baby is or is not well-fed. You should also rely on other signs, including the baby’s weight gain and the number of wet diapers during the day.

In this article, I will try to explain “the science behind” breast milk and, hopefully, comfort your breastfeeding worries.

This article is not a substitute for medical advice or consultation.

How Does Watery Breast Milk Look Like?

When you are breastfeeding, it can sometimes be challenging to assess whether your milk looks watery or creamier.

If you are pumping, however, you can occasionally notice that your pumped milk seems a little too thin and more transparent than you would expect.

Furthermore, if you leave your milk to sit after the pumping session, you may notice that the higher fat hindmilk floats to the top and that there is a lot of clearer, watery part on the bottom of the bottle.

The watery milk looks exactly like the name implies – thin and watery, with paler white or even bluish color, like skim milk. It reflects the fat content of breast milk1.

Why Does My Breastmilk Look Watery? (+When To Be Concerned) (2)

Understanding Breast Milk

Breast milk is a liquid gold made in the breasts directly from the mother’s blood. It is a living substance. Breast milk changes and adapts to your baby’s needs (and during each feed!). And it has a complex composition.

Breast milk contains watery foremilk and higher fat hindmilk. Foremilk and hindmilk, however, are not two distinct types of milk.

The low-fat milk stored in the front, near the nipple, comes first during the feeding session. The creamier, fatty milk being in the back, comes after as the feeding progresses.

Don’t worry. Your breasts produce just the right amount of both! And your baby drinks enough of both, as long as you breastfeed on demand and/or use a breast pump for long enough.

Foremilk And Hindmilk – Differences

So, we now know that your breast milk consists of foremilk and hindmilk2.

Foremilk is that watery milk which flows out first. It is lower in fat but is rich in water and lactose (milk sugars). Therefore, the foremilk helps your baby stay hydrated and provides the nutrients and calories that little one needs. And although it looks thin and watery, it is essential for your baby’s nutrition and hydration.

On the other side, hindmilk is fatty milk that is expressed after the foremilk toward the end of the feeding. Its color is more opaque, and it looks heavier and thicker. The hindmilk is rich in nutrients and calories, so this part of the breast milk fills your baby up and keeps them satiated.

Why Does My Breastmilk Look Watery? (+When To Be Concerned) (3)

What Causes Watery Breast Milk?

Here are the most common reasons for breast milk to look watery3.

Switching Sides Too Early

With your best intentions to make your baby have enough milk during the feeding session, you may think that switching sides from one breast to another will be beneficial for breastfeeding effectively.

However, if you switch the baby to another breast before emptying the first, your little one will not get enough hindmilk from the first breast. Furthermore, their stomach may become full of lactose rich foremilk before the end of the feeding session on the other side.

In the end, the baby gets too much foremilk from both breasts, but little or no hindmilk.

Short Pumping Sessions

Breast pumping is actually very similar to breastfeeding. And quick pumping sessions on one breast have the same effects, as switching sides too early during breastfeeding.

Short pumping time will relieve the pressure in your breasts, but you will not produce enough of the more fatty milk your baby needs. And it is exactly what can make your breastmilk watery.

Long Breaks Between Nursing

If you, for any reason delay feeding, your breasts will continue to fill. Although the periods between two nursing sessions prolong, your milk supply still increases.

And, if they produce more breast milk than your baby can take in one feeding session, their stomach will get full and they will stop feeding before they get that mature milk. And yes, this can lead to lactose overload.

High Breast Milk Production

While there are those breastfeeding moms who struggle with the milk supply, there are also those moms who have more milk than usual. But, before you envy those moms, know that excessive milk production can bring troubles, too!

Due to the oversupply, the breasts fill up sooner and are more difficult to empty for the baby. And, again – they end up with plenty of the first milk without getting enough high fat milk.

Why Does My Breastmilk Look Watery? (+When To Be Concerned) (4)

Is Watery Breast Milk Safe For Babies?

Absolutely. Watery milk is totally safe for breastfed babies. Moreover, it is important for them to get enough foremilk.

You may wonder what could possibly make watery breast milk good for your little one. Firstly, foremilk hydrates your baby. Secondly, it has higher lactose content. Lactose supports your little one’s development and provides them with energy.

So, watery breast milk is both safe and necessary for your baby to drink! However, make sure that the baby gets enough of the whiter milk, as it contains fats, and prevents lactose overload.

Is Watery Breast Milk Less Quality & Less Nutritious?

No, watery milk is not less quality or less nutritious. It merely contains different components than the higher fat milk which follows the watery milk.

Foremilk is, therefore, important for your baby’s nutrition, as much as hindmilk – creamier milk is. It is important for your little one to get enough of both.

However, if your baby has trouble gaining weight, doesn’t have enough wet diapers during the 24h, or experiences change in bowel movements and gastrointestinal discomfort, you may be facing hindmilk imbalance.

How Do I Make My Breast Milk Less Watery?

We already discussed what can make your breast milk watery. So, the solution is to prevent or treat the causes. Sounds reasonable, right?

1. Allow Your Baby To Stay On One Breast For Long Enough

Rule number one: Let your baby decide when they’re done with eating. Try to keep them on one breast for as long as they eat (and as long as possible), to ensure they get enough of higher fat content at the end of the feeding session.

2. Prolong Your Pumping Session

The same applies to pumping. Try to pump the breast milk as long as possible, making sure that one breast is entirely empty before you remove the pump.

If the pumped breast milk looks watery, clear, too transparent, or blueish, keep pumping for another few minutes, until you come to that mature milk.

3. Make Breastfeeding Sessions More Frequent

As the milk ducts fill with milk, more watery breast milk builds up in the front of the breasts, so there is too much light milk for babies to eat before they get to hindmilk.

Breastfeeding or breast pumping more often gives your milk ducts less time to produce milk, and consequently, less milk will be built – and the hindmilk will be released sooner.

4. Control Breastmilk Overproduction

If you are overproducing breastmilk, you should correct it – and control it. Consider asking a lactation consultant for help in figuring out the reason behind the overproduction.

While great amounts of breastmilk sound good, if your baby can’t keep up with the amount your breasts produce, it can cause trouble.

Why Does My Breastmilk Look Watery? (+When To Be Concerned) (5)

Thin & Watery Breast Milk – FAQ

As a worried mom, you surely have many questions about why is their breast milk watery.

You want to make sure your baby is well-fed, is gaining weight4, has enough wet diapers during the day, and – that your breast milk ensures all of it. Right?

Therefore, I will answer some frequently asked questions about that.

Should I Throw Away Foremilk?

No, do not throw away the foremilk. It is equally important for breastfed babies to get enough of the water and lactose in the foremilk, as the fat content in the hindmilk. Besides, foremilk contains nutrients and calories, too.

How To Make Sure Your Baby Gets Enough Foremilk And Hindmilk?

Follow the simple steps to ensure your baby gets just the right amounts of both the foremilk and hindmilk. First of all, take it slow with the feeding and pumping sessions.

Don’t rush to change sides. Also, increase the frequency of breastfeeding to avoid oversupply. And, control and correct the overproduction of breastmilk.

What Happens If Your Baby Gets Too Much Watery Milk?

If your baby gets too much foremilk, it can lead to lactose overload. That can cause trouble for your little one to gain weight, cause issues with the gastrointestinal system, and lead to changes in the baby’s stool.

Also, if your baby has lactose intolerance, these problems will be even more pronounced. Ask a lactation consultant for help if you notice your baby has any of the mentioned problems.

Does Pumping Make Breast Milk Watery?

Pumping itself does not make your breast milk watery. However, the pumping sessions being too short will cause worries for most moms, as they will probably see watery, transparent breast milk in the bottle and wonder if that milk is nutritious enough – or is even low in quality.

Does Mother’s Diet Cause Watery Milk?

One of the breastfeeding myths is that mom’s diet affects breast milk. Rest assured: Breast milk is not made directly from the food you eat5.

Breast milk contains nutrients, antibodies, stem cells, food for healthy gut bacteria, and other useful ingredients. These do not change with an individual’s diet.

However, make sure you have a healthy diet to ensure your baby receives all the nutrients they need to grow and be healthy – but also to care for your own health and energy reserves.

What Makes Breastmilk More Fatty?

In order to achieve thicker and fattier breast milk, make sure you follow the simple steps for effective breastfeeding, or breast pumping, written in this article.

Ensure the lengths of the feeding/pumping sessions are long and frequent enough. If you have any additional concerns, talk to the lactation specialist.

Make your breastfeeding experience as carefree as possible. It will not last forever, and all your worries will pass. Newborns become infants very soon. They grow up so fast!

Article By Edna Skopljak

Edna Skopljak is Medical Doctor (MD) who works in University Medical Centre in Ljubljana. She’s a Scientific Advisory Board Member for the Scandinavian Biolabs. She also worked as an editor at BJBMS medical journal for several years. She wrote content for several health-related websites and the BJBMS blog. She’s a mom of a 15-month-old.

The purpose of this article is informative. It’s not a substitute for professional medical advice or medical care. Remember: safety first! Consult your doctor/pediatrician in case of any doubts. The author of this article does not accept any responsibility for any liability, loss or risk, personal or otherwise, incurred as a consequence, directly or indirectly, from any information or advice contained here.








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Why Does My Breastmilk Look Watery? (+When To Be Concerned) (2024)


Why is my breast milk looks watery? ›

Usually blueish or clear, watery breast milk is indicative of “foremilk.” Foremilk is the first milk that flows at the start of a pumping (or nursing) session and is thinner and lower in fat than the creamier, whiter milk you see at the end of a session.

Is it OK if my breast milk is watery? ›

Is watery breast milk good for your baby? In a word, yes. Both fatty milk and watery/less fatty milk are good for your baby, and it's important that your baby gets both. (Think about when you're eating a meal – most of the time, you want both substance to fill you up and a drink to stay hydrated.

What are the signs of unhealthy breastmilk? ›

Some people describe a “soapy” smell or taste in their milk after storage; others say it is a “metallic” or “fishy” or “rancid” odor. Some detect a “sour” or “spoiled” odor or taste. Accompanying these changes are concerns that the milk is no longer good for the baby.

Is too much foremilk bad? ›

Too much foremilk is also believed to cause stomach and gastrointestinal (GI) issues in babies. The extra sugar from all that foremilk can cause symptoms such as gas, abdominal pain, irritability, crying, and loose, green bowel movements. 2 You may even think that your baby has colic.

Is foremilk OK for baby? ›

First things first: Unless your baby is showing symptoms of lactose overload, the amount of foremilk versus hindmilk that he's getting is probably fine.

Why am I only producing foremilk? ›

The first explanation is that you're not pumping long enough to get to the "hindmilk." Balanced Breastfeeding noted that since hindmilk sits further back in the duct, it's harder to draw out.

Should I throw away foremilk? ›

If your breasts are really heavy and full before your baby breastfeeds, hand express or pump for 1-2 minutes and discard your foremilk. Foremilk flows at the beginning of the feed and if your breasts are really full…. this milk can flow fast and furiously!

How long does foremilk last? ›

After about 10 to 15 minutes of breastfeeding, the milk flow slows and transitions to the sweet and creamy hindmilk, which contains vitamins A and E, and has more fat and calories than foremilk.

What color is unhealthy breast milk? ›

If blood from inside your breasts leaks into your milk ducts, your breast milk may look brown, dark orange, or rust-colored. When breast milk looks like dirty water from an old rusty pipe, it's called rusty pipe syndrome.

What does quality breast milk look like? ›

If your breastmilk looks different from how you expected it would, you might be concerned. The colour of breastmilk varies. Colostrum is typically yellowish and mature breastmilk is typically bluish-white.

What does healthy breast milk look like? ›

Breast milk is typically white with a yellowish or bluish tint, depending on how long you've been breastfeeding. But the hue can change based on many different factors, and most of the time, a new color of breast milk is harmless.

What color is foremilk poop? ›

Light green: Consistent green stools in a breastfed baby can indicate an imbalance of foremilk/hindmilk. Foremilk is the low-calorie milk that comes first in a feeding.

Can babies gain weight on foremilk? ›

The total milk consumed daily—not the hindmilk—determines baby's weight gain. Whether babies breastfeed often for shorter periods or go for hours between feedings and feed longer, the total daily fat consumption does not actually vary. Foremilk is not always low-fat.

What does foremilk poop look like? ›

If you see bright green and frothy poop in your baby's diaper that almost looks like algae, they're probably getting too much foremilk – the low-calorie milk that comes first in a feeding – and not enough hindmilk, the higher-fat, super-nutritious stuff that comes near the end.

What foods make your breast milk fatty? ›

The best foods for increasing fat in breastmilk are: Heart-healthy fats like olive oil, avocados, eggs, nuts, and seeds. Lean meats like chicken, fish, and turkey, as well as grass fed beef. Whole grains like oats, quinoa, and brown rice.

What foods help thick breast milk? ›

Opt for protein-rich foods, such as lean meat, eggs, dairy, beans, lentils and seafood low in mercury. Choose a variety of whole grains as well as fruits and vegetables. Eating a variety of foods while breastfeeding will change the flavor of your breast milk.

How long should I pump to get hindmilk? ›

To collect hindmilk for your premature baby, you should use a breast pump and separate the foremilk from the hindmilk as you pump. When you begin pumping your breast milk, it will be thin and watery. Pump for about 2 minutes, then remove the collection container from the pump.

How can I help my baby get hindmilk? ›

By offering the other breast when the first is finished, and repeating breast compressions if needed, your baby will get the correct balance of foremilk and hindmilk automatically. Using both breasts when needed (and sometimes three or four!) will drive up and maintain your supply.

How do I know baby is getting hindmilk? ›

As your baby continues to nurse, they begin to pull milk from deeper within the breast where the fatty milk cells are stored. This milk, which is more fat-filled than the earlier milk, is called the hindmilk. Hindmilk often appears thick and creamy and is richer and more calorie dense than the foremilk.

What happens if baby gets too much foremilk and not enough hindmilk? ›

Your baby getting too much foremilk and not enough hindmilk may result in the following symptoms: Becoming more fussy than normal. Having symptoms of colic. Becoming gassy.

Does pumping get hindmilk? ›

Place a new collection container on your breast pump and continue pumping until your breast is empty. This thicker, creamier breast milk that you get at the end of your pumping session is your hindmilk.

Does Haakaa pump only collect foremilk? ›

The Haakaa breast pump helps you collect both foremilk and rich hindmilk. Because it's only a piece of silicone, there's no electricity nor any cords required, making it so easy to integrate into your daily routine!

How do you fix foremilk imbalance? ›

Allowing your baby to feed until they fall off the breast and watching their feeding cues carefully can usually help to correct a foremilk and hindmilk imbalance. If your baby seems satisfied after their feedings, you likely do not need to be concerned about a foremilk and hindmilk imbalance.

Can babies get hindmilk in 5 minutes? ›

Some babies take a full feed in five minutes while others take 40 minutes to get the same amount.

How do I get more hindmilk than foremilk when pumping? ›

To increase the amount of hindmilk your baby takes in and increase the amount of fat in your breast milk, you can do the following:
  1. Make sure to empty your breasts. ...
  2. Expressing some milk before you breastfeed will help you get to the hindmilk and ensure that the breast is drained sufficiently.
Jan 5, 2021

What color is rich breast milk? ›

Yellow is the first color of breast milk mom will see, due to the fact it is colostrum-rich, containing many of the antibodies needed to protect newborns against disease. Concentrated levels of white blood cells, leukocytes, and Immunoglobulin A can also cause this rich, buttery appearance.

What color is frozen breast milk? ›

The consistency of your breast milk can contribute to different color milk. This is usually due to fat content, which fluctuates from day to day and even within one nursing or pumping session. Slightly yellow or blue breast milk is usually most visible in frozen or thawed milk.

Should breast milk be thick or thin? ›

Your milk also changes gradually over the course of a single feeding. The milk you express at the beginning of a session has a thinner consistency, relatively high volume, and low fat. This is known as foremilk. By the end of a breastfeeding session, the high-fat hindmilk is thicker, richer, and creamier.

Is my breast milk still good? ›

After 4 days of refrigeration, your breast milk should be used or thrown away. Breast milk has properties that slow the growth of bad bacteria. These properties begin to decline after a few days of refrigeration. If you think you won't use breast milk within a few days, the sooner you freeze it, the better.

What should the consistency of breast milk be? ›

The flavor of breast milk is described as sweet and creamy. It gets its sweetness from the milk sugar lactose, and it's creamy due to the amount of fat it contains. However, since the foremilk is low in fat, it will appear thin and watery compared to the higher-fat hindmilk.

What does lactose intolerance poop look like in babies? ›

Your baby's stools may be loose and watery. They may also appear bulky or frothy. They can even be acidic, which means you may notice diaper rash from your baby's skin becoming irritated.

Is hindmilk white or yellow? ›

A bluish hue is often noticeable at the beginning of pumping or nursing. This milk (foremilk) is thinner and contains less fat and more electrolytes. Toward the end of a feeding or pumping session, milk (hindmilk) becomes thicker and contains more fat, resulting in a creamier white or yellowish color.

Can too much foremilk cause reflux? ›

A forceful letdown and oversupply of milk can also result in foremilk/hindmilk imbalance and its sequelae, mimicking reflux.

Is the foremilk more nutritious? ›

Milk expressed at the beginning of feeding is known as foremilk and that at the end of feeding is known as hindmilk. As hindmilk contains higher fat, vitamins A and E, and higher calories than foremilk, feeding only hindmilk initially and reserving foremilk for later are practiced in some neonatal intensive care units.

How do I know my breast is empty? ›

How do I know whether my breasts are empty? There's no test or way to know for sure. In general, though, if you gently shake your breasts and they feel mostly soft and you don't feel the heaviness of milk sitting in them, you're probably fine.

How long do breasts take to refill with milk? ›

Despite views to the contrary, breasts are never truly empty. Milk is actually produced nonstop—before, during, and after feedings—so there's no need to wait between feedings for your breasts to refill.

What does too much foremilk look like? ›

Lactose overload, or foremilk and hindmilk imbalance, is a rare condition causing green, frothy poops, stomach pain, and insufficient weight gain in babies. To fix an imbalance, try laid-back feeding, nursing on one side until the baby stops, ensuring a good latch, and hand expressing a little milk before nursing.

How can I make my milk more fatty? ›

There aren't any certain foods that can increase fat in your breast milk. Instead, focus on eating a healthy diet with enough calories to support healthy milk production. Eat plenty of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, healthy fats, and protein.

How long does it take for breasts to refill with milk after pumping? ›

To put a number on it, it usually takes about 20 to 30 minutes after feeding to generate enough milk for your baby, and about 60 minutes to replenish fully. The more often your baby feeds, and the more they empty your breasts, the more milk your body will produce.

Does the Haakaa only catch foremilk? ›

The Haakaa breast pump helps you collect both foremilk and rich hindmilk. Because it's only a piece of silicone, there's no electricity nor any cords required, making it so easy to integrate into your daily routine!

Is my breast milk fatty enough? ›

The amount of fat in human milk changes dramatically during each feeding and throughout the day, since fat content depends on the degree of emptyness of the breast (empty breast = high fat, full breast = low fat). The average fat content of human milk is 1.2 grams/oz.


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