TikTok Not Getting Views? Here's Why & The Fix - Vergizmo (2024)

The TikTok app has been released for a few years now and it has gained massive success. Some would say it’s the most popular app to date.

However many users have been facing the same issue recently which is that they have not been getting any views on their Tiktok videos. This can be frustrating when you put a lot of time into making a Tiktok.

The main problem I have been seeing amongst users is that their TikTok gets zero views and they want to know how to get more views.

The reason you are not getting views on TikTok is that you’re not making videos that are engaging enough for your audience. If your videos are more interesting, you will get more views.

There is no need to worry as today I will be showing you how to create content engaging enough so your videos can start to get more views in general.

This isn’t a quick fix because of how the algorithm works so it may take you a few weeks until you’re out there blowing up on TikTok.

It will take at least a few months on being consistent to see good progress.

Table of Contents

Why Am I Not Getting Views on TikTok

You may be wondering why your TikTok stopped getting views. It is completely normal for you to not get any views on your first few Tiktoks.

If you just started recently then you’re just trying to find what works for you and your audience. I will be getting more into this later.

Don’t feel like you’re an anomaly, this happens to everyone in the beginning.

If you’re getting no views on TikTok then it is because you’re a small account. You will need to grow your audience for you to get more views.

Because your account is smaller it means close to zero people will be able to see the videos you make which is another cause for why you get no views

There are things you can do to increase the chances of your TikToks being seen earlier on but this largely depends on luck which isn’t too hard to get on the app.

Your TikTok videos should be getting views if the content is good enough. This is the rule of thumb and good enough is the subject depending on what your audience mainly likes.

TikTok No Views After an Hour

Users have been asking us why their TikTok gets no views even after an hour of being uploaded, and we’re here to answer that popular question. Many users say they see zero (0) views after an hour.

The reason you don’t get views on TikTok after an hour is that the algorithm needs a chance to learn what your video is about. After an hour or two, your views should start going up.

If your views are also going down after the first hour then it is because of this very same reason. TikTok needs to stop and verify where your views are coming from and whether or not they are real.

TikTok may stop showing you your views after this time which is why you’re not seeing them.

TikTok Suddenly Stopped Gettings Views

If your TikTok suddenly stopped getting viewed there isn’t much to worry about, there is nothing wrong with your account.

If you have just posted a TikTok and it was getting a lot of views and it suddenly stopped, there are several reasons as to why this may have happened.

One reason this could have happened is because of the algorithm. The algorithm works weirdly. When you start getting a lot of views quickly, at a certain point, TikTok will stop showing your videos to other people.

This is for it to verify the traffic you’re getting. If you’re getting bot traffic then TikTok will want to prevent this from happening.

When someone gets too many views too quickly then this can indicate that they may be getting views from external sources.

You do not need to worry, as if you’re doing nothing out of TikTok’s community guidelines your account won’t get penalized and your TikTok will start being showing again.

This process can take up to a few hours. Another reason why you may have stopped getting views is that TikTok decided that your video wasn’t worth being shown to a wider audience.

The video may start picking up in views at a later date but as for now, it’s unlikely that it will get any more views.

Post Content That’s Trending on TikTok

Uploading trending content is an easy way to get more views on your page. Users like the content they’re familiar with so this will increase the chances of your posts being liked more.

Posting videos that have been don’t before is less risky than uploading new video ideas as you just don’t know if they can do well.

This is also a benefit to you as it will take you less time to come up with video ideas since you already have an audience from other videos you have seen on the For You Page.

Finding videos that are trending isn’t hard. All you have to do is scroll through your FYP and save the videos that have loads of comments and likes.

If you copy these videos word for word then people will know as they have probably seen the video you copied from. If I were you I would change it slightly to make it more original but keep the same format.

You can also have a look at Instagram Reels and see what is going viral there. TikTok duets also do well.

You’re Not Using Trending Songs

As you know you need to upload viral-worthy videos. This goes the same for the sounds you use on Tiktok. One reason you may be getting no views is that you’re not using the right sound.

When creators use a sound that enhances the video it does better than if they would use just any old random audio.

By enhancing I mean a sound that makes the video more funny or entertaining. You should know what I’m talking about.

By using sound that you know gets more views in general, this means that you won’t waste any time looking for the sound. Do what I do, when you come across a sound you look on the For You Page just save it so you can use it later.

To find audio that does well, just click on the circle icon in the bottom right of a video and see how many videos have been made using that sound.

TikTok Not Getting Views? Here's Why & The Fix - Vergizmo (2)

If it is more than a thousand then I would say that audio is currently trending. Go for a number above 5000 and below 10k just to be safe.

TikTok Not Getting Views? Here's Why & The Fix - Vergizmo (3)

Using the right hashtags is important if you want your videos to get more views. Using the wrong one can be a disaster. I’ve seen it happen before so trust me.

Using hashtags that have nothing to do with your video can confuse the TikTok algorithm which will cause your videos to be shown to an audience that isn’t interested.

Only using tags that are related to your video will be that it will be shown to the right people. If your TikTik is about sports then you can use tags like #football, #sportsman.

If you know other hashtags that are currently trending then I wouldn’t be afraid to use those either. As long as they aren’t too niche then this is good. If you don’t know why you’re using it on your video then it’s best not to use it.

Make sure you don’t use too many tags as this may again confuse the algorithm and it won’t know which ones to use. If I were you I would be safe and use no more than 5 hashtags on a single video.

Why Are My TikToks Showing 0 or Zero Views

If you’re getting less views than usual then this is a pretty common problem that can be fixed by just creating better content. If you’re suddenly getting zero views then this is a bigger problem.

It usually has someone to do with your account or the TikTok algorithm however it’s difficult to pinpoint the two.

When your Tiktok has been up for a few hours and it still has 0 views then this may indicate that your video hasn’t been shown to anyone on the For You Page.

One possible reason that this can happen is that you have a small account however this situation is rare as you should always get some type of traction no matter how small your account is.

A common problem people seem to not notice when they get zero views is whether or not their account has been on private.

If your account is private then this means that only your followers will see it and if you barely have followers that it will get 0 views.

To avoid this situation you simply just need to go back into yourSettingsand thenPrivacy. Now just toggle off Make Account Private.

Videos that are too short just usually don’t do well on the algorithm so just make sure your videos are at least 5 seconds or longer. Getting 0 views is usually more of a serious problem.

If this situation doesn’t apply to you and your views aren’t suddenly low or very close to zero then just focus on making good content for the future.

Post at The Correct Time

Choosing the correct time to post your video is important because if you post at a time when your audience isn’t on the app then this will result in you getting fewer views.

One main reason why your TikToks get no views is that your target audience isn’t on the app at the time that you upload.

The best time to post on your videos is around 8 am, 11 am, and 6 pm. The reason why you may get more views during this time is that this is the time when fewer people are at work and school.

You can also test this by posting at different times and seeing when the best time is. You gauge this by how many views you get during that period.

Even if you don’t have an audience then this will still work as these times will often increase the views you usually get. However, you should have an audience as this will be the main driver behind how many views you get.

If you post at a time when no one is active then more often than not, you will see it reflect on your view quite. The worst time you can upload is when everyone is sleeping.

You will need to check this depending on where your main demographic is located.

Don’t Use A VPN

If you have never heard of a VPN then it stands for a virtual private network. What this is is it allows you to use your internet connection through a private network that cant be traced.

If you want to build an audience let’s say in the USA but you live somewhere like India then I would suggest using a VPN that is located in the US.

The US market is a lot more lucrative so you may be incentivized to start building an audience there. Plus there are more TikTok users there than anywhere else.

This may result in you getting more views than what you’re already getting which is most likely zero.

To use the VPN just go into your play store or app store and I would recommend you download Tunnel Bear VPN as they allow you to change your location anywhere for free.

Once it has been downloaded you will be shown a guide to set it up. You’ll also have to configure it in your settings but the app will show you how to do all of this.

Now you can change to whichever location you want to target and start making videos with the VPN on.

Build An Audience

Growing an audience on TikTok will be the foundation you need to get your videos seen by more people.

If you don’t already have some sort of fan base or audience then I’m sorry to say but it will be hard to get more views in your early stages of uploading videos.

Growing an audience isn’t that hard. You will just have to post videos very often. Picking a niche will make it easier for you to focus on the type of content you want to post.

Make TikToks depending on the niche you have chosen and build an audience around that niche. An example of a niche would be Comedy, football, or just funny videos in general.

The only downside of picking a niche is that if you make videos outside of your usual type of content, your followers may not like it and they may start to leave. You could then stop getting views because of this.

The problem here is that you’re not getting enough views. I want you to get it in the quickest amount of time possible with the least amount of work.

Be Consistent

You probably do not want to hear this right now but being consistent is probably one of the only this that will increase the number of views you get in the quickest amount of time.

You can’t just post videos here and there and expect anything to happen in the short run. Posting every day at least twice a day with everything I have taught you in mind will be better in my opinion.

Your first videos may not get many views and that is okay. This is just how the algorithm works. but with consistency, you will start to see this turnaround.

Do this at least over a month or so which isn’t that long and by then, you should get used to it. Once you’re used to it it will get easier to post more content.

If you post TikTok less often then your videos will be seen less often. This is just common sense so keep this in mind. If no one is seeing your TikToks then you need to put yourself out there.

The great thing about TikTok is that its algorithm wants everyone to win. As opposed to Instagram where it is much harder to grow in terms of popularity. TikTok gives everyone a chance to go viral so all you have to do is put in the work.

Sharing your TikToks on other platforms is a good way to get more views on your videos. These other platforms could be things like Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter. Anything you have a following on.

When your TikToks are getting fewer views than usual, other platforms are a good way to boost these views without having to do anything technical.

The more people who know about your TikToks the more they’ll be seen by others. Putting yourself out there more will get you over the long term. It’s common sense.

If more people start suddenly watching your video, it may trick the algorithm to boost your videos and put them more on the FYP page.

After you have posted a new TikTok video you should alwaysshareit on all of your stories and link it to your TikTok account.

This can easily be done by clicking the icon on the right-hand side of your TikTok and tapping the share option.

This method is a good strategy to boost views as more of your current followers on your other platforms will see it and engage with it. After a certain amount of time, you won’t have to keep doing this as they will watch on their own accord.

You should share your videos by going on other platforms like Instagram and Snapchat and pasting your link there.

Some of you reading this may not be confident enough to share your videos with your current followers. For those people, I would suggest making videos that you won’t be embarrassed if other people see.

TikTok is Down

TikTok is rarely down but when it is this can affect how many people see your video. If you ever post a TikTok and views suddenly stop or are low, then this could mean that TikTok is down.

When TikTok is down you will need to come off it as not much will work while you’re on there. You will keep seeing error messages saying things like No Internet Connection.

It may take a few hours until TikTok fixes problems like that so in the meantime, you will need to check if it is down by using the Down Detector website.

When you notice a big spike in the graph then this means that a lot of people are having issues at the same time indicating that the app is down.

TikTok Not Getting Views? Here's Why & The Fix - Vergizmo (4)

I would personally delete my TikTok video until the app has been fixed as it would probably get more views than if I just left it there.

How Long Does it Take to Get Views on TikTok?

If you have noticed that your TikToks get no views after an hour, then this is because TikTok views take a while before they start updating.

After you post a TikTok it should begin to get views within the first few hours. After this, the app will need to take some time to verify whether or not this is bot traffic. This may be the reason why your TikTok views freeze after a certain time.

The same thing happens with youtube views. they usually freeze after an hour because buying views have become such a massive issue.

Another reason you may stop getting views after a certain while is that the TikTok algorithm needs to decide where to place your video on the For You Page.

It will use the first few views you get to decide whether or not you should be placed more or less often on their For You Page.

After that certain time is up which may be up to a few hours or a few days you will start to notice your views increasing more and more until they reach a certain threshold.

Increase Your Engagement Rate

The big thing that will determine whether or not you get more views is if you have a high engagement rate or not. So after you upload a video Tiktok will check for how many people liked, commented, and followed you.

This will be used to decide where to rank you on their FYP. The best way to get a high engagement is to create TikToks with a high shock factor. By this, I mean that you create TikToks that get viewers talking.

Make sure that you have something in your videos that viewers will notice and want to comment on straight aware. This may be something in the background that is a little weird and not everyone will notice right away.

This leads to more comments and eventually more views as TikTok will want to rank you higher on their For You Page as you’re getting more engagement.

Another thing that will get you more views is how long people watch and stay on your video. The best way to do this is to create a hook.

When you have a hook this will stop views from leaving your video in the first 5 seconds and lead to a higher retention rate in turn giving you better rankings in the algorithm.

Explicit Videos

The reason your TikTok may not be getting views is due to you posting explicit content. Now I won’t get into what that contact is but you should know what sort of videos I’m talking about.

Posting this type of content will discourage TikTok from putting your video out there meaning less people will see it. This leads to less views on your videos which you don’t want.

Avoid posting anything that is out of the community guidelines as this be not put you in good favor with the app which you want to avoid.

Post no explicit videos that won’t cause any controversy will stop you from getting your account banned all because you wanted a few more views.

Use Third Party Software

There are things you can do to increase the chances of your TikToks being seen earlier on but this largely depends on luck which isn’t too hard to get on the app.

You can purchase TikTok followers and buy Instagram views if you do post your TikTok on your story.

Hashtags are a guarantee to get more engagement in the form of followers, views, or likes. If that doesn’t work out for a while and you find yourself desperate, remember that third-party social media platforms are always here to help.

You can get validated Instagram followers to view your TikTok on your story. Just make sure they are reputable and safe to use.


By now you should now know the reason you were getting less views than usual. It’s because your account is probably new or you’re not structuring your content in a way for it to be more viral-worthy.

You should have a schedule and set tasks to work on based on the advice I have given you. Just keep in mind that you have to post content very often to a certain group of people.

Make sure that your videos are high quality so people can see them properly and aren’t put off buying a grainy video. If you have an Android then I would advise you to switch to an iPhone.

Android quality isn’t the best when you post to certain apps like Snapchat and TikTok. So make sure you give your camera a good wipe and consider getting a better quality camera.

Remember that this isn’t a quick fix to your problem and that this could potentially take weeks to months of seeing an improvement in your views but that time will come and it will be worth it.

Make sure you interact with other videos so more people can see your videos.

TikTok Not Getting Views? Here's Why & The Fix - Vergizmo (2024)


Why is my TikTok not getting views like usual? ›

Some of the most common reasons behind the issue include:

New user account. Bad posting schedule. Content issues. Problems with previous content.

Why is my TikTok video not going viral? ›

How many likes or views does it take to go viral on TikTok? The number of likes or views that will cause a video to go viral is unknown. However, aim for a healthy engagement rate of 4% views-to-likes (4 likes for every 1000 views).

How do I get my views back on TikTok? ›

Let's get started:
  1. Be the first to comment on new videos from TikTok influencers in your niche. ...
  2. Make use of trending effects. ...
  3. Make good use of video captions. ...
  4. Share your TikTok content on other social platforms. ...
  5. Create content that focuses on engagement. ...
  6. Increase your content output. ...
  7. Don't delete your old content.
May 18, 2023

Should you close TikTok after posting? ›

Exit the App After Posting. One hack that doesn't get mentioned often enough is getting off the app right after you've posted. TikTok wants you to use the app, and when it notices that you're gone for a while, it's going to try and get your attention by sending you notifications.

Why do some videos go viral and some don t? ›

Whether it's the way that on-camera talent talks or the editing style, the personality of the video should be cohesive with your overall marketing strategy. Connection. Videos go viral because they connect with their audience. They make people laugh, inform, teach, persuade.

How many times should I post on TikTok to go viral? ›

A general rule of thumb for an effective TikTok posting frequency is to publish once or four times a day. However, the numbers can very easily change based on several factors. Use the tips below to determine how often you should post on TikTok to get more engagement, brand exposure, and visibility for your clients.

How do I fix TikTok shadowban? ›

You should delete content that goes against the rules and community guidelines laid down by TikTok. After deleting inappropriate content, you have to wait for at least two weeks to get the shadowban lifted.

How long does a TikTok shadowban last? ›

If you don't do anything, your shadowban will probably last around two weeks. Some users have reported shadowbans lasting only 24 hours, while others have suggested up to a month. The general consensus, though, is 14 days.

What is shadow banning on TikTok? ›

Shadow banning is the limitation the TikTok users can get when it comes to their organic reach and engagement rates. The TikTok videos will not be shown on the For You page. It can result in decreased views, likes, comments, and reach to new followers.

What time is best to post on TikTok? ›

Best Times to Post on TikTok for 2023
  • Monday: 6 AM, 10 AM, 10 PM.
  • Tuesday: 2 AM, 4 AM, 9 AM.
  • Wednesday: 7 AM, 8 AM, 11 PM.
  • Thursday: 9 AM, 12 AM, 7 PM.
  • Friday: 5 AM, 1 PM, 3 PM.
  • Saturday: 11 AM, 7 PM, 8 PM.
  • Sunday: 7 AM, 8 AM, 4 PM.
Dec 14, 2022

How long should a TikTok video be to go viral? ›

Hence, if you are wondering how long does it take for a TikTok to go viral, there is no specific timeline for TikTok videos to go viral. Every video will have its own time of getting popular. Some might go viral instantly and some might take days to start getting viral.

How long does it take for a TikTok to get viral? ›

TikTok videos can go viral days, even weeks, after they've been posted. So, there's a good chance that with a consistent posting cadence, one of your videos will land a spot on the For You page.

Is it better to post a lot or a little on TikTok? ›

In general on TikTok, the more content you create, the more your potential reach increases and the more followers you gain. Ideally, you'll work your way up to posting three times per day. It sounds like a lot, but the videos can be short and simple!

Why are my TikToks flopping? ›

If your like-to-view ratio is lower than the standard average amount, it's likely that your account has been frozen. Some of the ways to unfreeze your account include the following: Engaging with other users' videos. Post original and creative content.

Is posting too much on TikTok bad? ›

Can I Post Too Much on TikTok? Usually, posting more than 4 times per day can be too much. There is no need to burn all your resources on making more TikTok videos, as usually more than that won't drag any more engagement or growth to your brand.

How do I get more views on TikTok after posting? ›

  1. Add hashtags to your videos.
  2. Keep it short and sweet.
  3. Trending sound effects.
  4. Find your specific audience.
  5. Try a how-to video.
  6. Dabble in some duets.
  7. Team up with an influencer or special guest.
  8. Promote your TikTok content on your other social channels.

What makes a person go viral? ›

To recap, a video normally becomes viral when it gets five million or more views in a week or less. Getting your video content to go viral is one of the best things you can do as a video marketer and creator. And it's one of the best ways to spread brand awareness of your business or attract new customers and clients.

Does posting everyday on TikTok help? ›

TikTok recommends posting three times a day as this will increase your chances of reaching your audience at their most active time. Posting consistently at multiple best times can help you reach your target audience in different time zones.

Is it OK to post everyday on TikTok? ›

How often you post can also affect how your content is distributed on the platform (TikTok recommends posting 1-4 times per day). To find a posting schedule that will please both the TikTok algorithm and your fans, keep a close eye on your performance until you find a frequency that works.

Is it too late to go viral on TikTok? ›

You can never fully calculate how to go viral, but it's something to think about and prepare for if you start using TikToks for your business promotion. So, in summary - it's never too late to add your content to any social media platform.

Why do I get so many views on TikTok but no likes? ›

This is perfectly normal on TikTok. It's because TikTok shows all videos that are published on the platform to some people on their “For you” page to see, if people like it or not. If the video gets a high engagement with this initial push, it will then be displayed to even more people.

How do I get more likes on TikTok? ›

How to Get More Likes on TikTok in 10 Simple Ways
  1. Build Your Brand Image. ...
  2. Make the Most of TikTok Trends. ...
  3. Know Your Target Audience. ...
  4. Post Consistently. ...
  5. Hook in the First Few Seconds. ...
  6. Remind Your Audience to Like. ...
  7. Use Hashtags to Your Advantage. ...
  8. Understand the TikTok Algorithm.
Jan 6, 2023

What is a good like ratio on TikTok? ›

The goal that brands or users should aim for is one “like” for every 10 views. Basically, content that gets less than that 1/10 like to view ratio will stop being shared on the “For You” page.

Is it better to post Tiktoks at night? ›

According to our research, 6 am to 10 am and 7 pm to 11 pm would be the best time to post on TikTok, whereas the best days to post on TikTok are Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.

Does liking your own TikTok help? ›

Liking your own videos probably will not work. At the end of the day, people like content because they enjoy it, and that is not going to change if you artificially inflate the number of likes you have.

What is the best time to post on TikTok? ›

The best times to post on TikTok are Tuesdays from 2 to 6 p.m., Wednesdays from 2 to 5 p.m. and Thursdays from 3 to 5 p.m. Afternoons are when the highest engagements are on the platform; users are looking to fill their afternoon entertainment boost.

Which TikTok hashtags to use? ›

Generally, the most-liked hashtags on TikTok are:
  • #tiktok.
  • #love.
  • #like.
  • #follow.
  • #memes.
  • #explorepage.
  • #likeforlikes.
  • #trending.

Is it better to get views or likes on TikTok? ›

1. User Activity. The more engagement and views a TikTok video receives, the more likely it will be served to larger audiences.

How do I know if I am shadowbanned? ›

If you feel like your posts are receiving fewer likes and comments suddenly, or aren't appearing for certain hashtags or on the Explore page, you might be shadowbanned.

Does having two TikTok accounts hurt you? ›

According to the app's Community Guideline, you should not “Operate multiple TikTok accounts under false or fraudulent pretenses to distribute commercial spam.”

What gets you banned on TikTok? ›

Accounts that consistently violate Community Guidelines will be banned from TikTok. If your account has been banned, you'll receive a banner notification when you next open the app, informing you of this account change.

How often should I post on TikTok? ›

How often you post can also affect how your content is distributed on the platform (TikTok recommends posting 1-4 times per day). To find a posting schedule that will please both the TikTok algorithm and your fans, keep a close eye on your performance until you find a frequency that works.

Is 500 views on TikTok good? ›

🌟 How many views in an hour on TikTok is good? Viral videos must get at least 500 full views in half an hour, if not more. A single view, according to TikTok, is when visitors watch the video without skipping or leaving.

How many views should my first TikTok get? ›

The importance of the first 5 videos

Uploading relevant content to your niche will be vital to getting views. If your first TikTok videos have less than 100 views each, it may be best to start over. Delete the account and create a new one to start afresh.


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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

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Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.